Home Page - Documentation - Annual general meeting
Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of April 17th, 2025 at 3 : 30 PM, at the Carrousel du Louvre
Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of April 18th, 2024 at 3 : 30 PM, at the Carrousel du Louvre
Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of April 20th, 2023 at 3 : 30 PM, at the Carrousel du Louvre
A decree published in the Journal Officiel (French official gazette) on March 10, 2021 (Decree No. 2021-255), adopted by the French Government in consideration of the ongoing public health crisis and the need to maintain measures limiting or prohibiting large gatherings, has led our Company to forego its plans for its shareholders to meet at the Carrousel du Louvre for the Shareholders’ Meeting on Thursday, April 15, 2021, and, in accordance with the provisions of the Order of March 25, 2020 and the Decree of April 10, 2020, extended by the aforementioned decree, to hold the Shareholders’ Meeting behind closed doors at 22 avenue Montaigne – 75008 Paris, France.
As a result, no admission cards will be issued and the updated means of taking part in the Shareholders’ Meeting will be described in the meeting notice documents that will be sent to shareholders no later than March 24, 2021.
To enable you to participate in this Shareholders’ Meeting under the best possible conditions, the Shareholders’ Meeting will be transmitted live and given deferred coverage.
Shareholders are advised to regularly check the definitive procedures for participation in the Shareholders’ Meeting on this webpage.